
王澍 Wang Shu


The director of Horwath HTL

更新時間:2017-05-22 17:00:01   來源:   關注度:
王澍先生於2007年加入浩華,任浩華管理顧問公司北京辦公室董事。 從事酒店顧問工作以來,已在中國大陸地區眾多城市參與並完成了超過百余個酒店專案的市場調研、可行性研究、重新置放及改造以及盡職報告等顧問服務工作任務。 對於中國酒店市場相當瞭解。 作為業主委任的代表,他曾多次參加有關酒店管理公司篩選、意向書和管理合同談判等工作。 他主修投資與國際金融及投資專業並被授予學士學位。

Wang Shu is a director of Horwath HTL and based in Beijing office. He joined Horwath in 2007 and has worked on over hundreds of hotel studies in his career, including hotel market research, feasibility study, hotel renovation strategy analysis and due diligence study in various cities of mainland China with abundant knowledge of China hotel market. As the owner’s representative, he also joined a series of hotel operator selection, LOI review and MA negotiation assignments. He was awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree in Investment and International Finance.

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