

        亞太酒店設計協會(英文名Asia-Pacific Hotel Design Association ,英文縮寫為APHDA)中文全稱為:亞太酒店設計協會有限公司經中華人民共和國香港特區政府批准,於2010年11月27日正式成立,是由亞太地區從事酒店設計及相關職業的人員自願結成的具專業性的組織。協會由眾位享譽世界的酒店設計大師擔任顧問與核心領導,雲集了包括建築設計、燈光設計、陳設設計、景觀設計、酒店管理、藝術顧問、材料供給等部門在內的業內精英人物。 


        APHDA, an English abbreviation of Asia-Pacific Hotel Design Association, with Hongkong SAR government approval of the People's Republic of China, was formally established on Nov. 27, 2010. It is a non-governmental social organizations forming voluntarily by the professional people who are engaged in hotel design or related occupations in the Asia-Pacific Region . It was headed by the world-renowned hotel design masters as the core leaderships and the consultants of the association, including architectural design, lighting design, display design, landscape design, hotel management, art consultants, material supply department and other industries.
        The main purpose of APHDA, which is aiming to create the most professional quality, the most academic authority and the most innovative academic exchange platform for serving the hotel designers whole-heatedly. It has two obvious features comparing with other similar association: Firstly, Professional. It is the most professional organization in hospitality design industry. And the only service object is hotel designers. Secondly, Academic. In order to improve the overall quality of the hotel designers, APHDA, always taking practical actions to promote the hotel design standards gradually as its own duty. Thirdly, International. Our members of APHDA are world-widely , such as Mainland-China, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand , Indonesia and other countries or regions in Asia-Pacific Region.