Francesco畢業于義大利多莫斯設計學院及義大利威尼斯建築大學。 曾執教于多莫斯設計學院、米蘭理工大學。 奉行建築必須遵行內部功能的設計理念,以及與生俱來的把建築空間融入整體環境並營造出令人難忘的內部設計的能力。
作為D/DOCK設計事務所聯合創辦人之一及設計總監 Francesco是環境設計藝術方面當之無愧的先驅者。他曾與知名設計師Andrea Branzi, Marcel Wanders,William McDonough都有過深入合作。在他的帶領下,D/DOCK設計事務所擁有眾多客戶,例如Google,飛利浦,西門子,喜達屋酒店及度假村集團,二十世紀福克斯公司等等。事務所在世界各地包括德國、奧地利、中國、加勒比海地區都有正在打造中的項目。
Francesco graduated from Domus Academy and UniversitàIUAVdiVENEZIA. He has taught at Domus Academy, Politecnico di Milano. The design concept of building pursues complying with the internal function and the innate ability to integrate the building space environment and create unforgettable internal design .
As co-founder and director of D/Dock, Francesco is a pioneer in the art of environmental design. He has worked with many well-known designers such as Andrea Branzi, Marcel Wanders and architect and founder of the Cradle to Cradle principle William McDonough.Known for its innovative interior designs and concept development, D/DOCK collaborated with national and international respected clients such as Google, Philips, Bosch Siemens, Starwood Hotels & Resorts, VUmc Hospital Amsterdam and 20th Century Fox.The project of the studio has operating in countries as Germany, Austria, China and Taiwan and the island of Aruba.

Francesco Messori
D/DOCK 設計總監
The design director of D/DOCK
更新時間:2017-02-13 14:04:05 來源: 關注度:
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