Colin Seah在美國接受了建築設計的薰陶和培養,並在新加坡獲得了執業建築師資格,通過追隨諸如 Rem Koolhaas 和 Daniel Libeskind 這樣的設計大師中來磨練自己。他還曾在新加坡國立大學建築系工作4年,從事設計教學研究和設計評論員工作。
作為 MOD 的創始人和設計總監,Colin 曾榮獲由美國國際設計大賞頒發的2010 年度設計師的殊榮,並兩度斬獲新加坡設計界的最高榮譽——新加坡總統設計獎。同時他也兩次獲得金鑰匙獎——國際酒店業最高獎項;並被香港《透視》雜誌評為40 位40 歲以下最有潛力設計師之一;以及2007 年馬庫斯公司基金獎“最具潛質傑出新人設計師”。被 Monocle 譽為“建築界冉冉上升的新星”, Colin Seah 還曾獲得了新加坡旅遊局的邀請,重新定義2020 年之後新加坡作為旅行目的地的意義。
Architecturally trained in the US and licensed in Singapore, Colin Seah honed his sensibilities working for the likes of Rem Koolhaas and Daniel Libeskind. He also spent 4 years at the National University of Singapore’s Department of Architecture researching design pedagogy and serving as design critic.
As MOD’s Founder and Director of Design, Colin has been named Designer of the Year by International DesignAwards USA 2010, and is a two-time recipient of Singapore’s highest design accolade, the President’s Design Award. He is also a two-time Grand Prize Winner of the Gold Key Award, the highest international hospitality accolade, named Hong Kong Perspective’s ’40 under 40 architects’ and Marcus Corporation Foundation Prize 2007 ‘emerging architect with potential for greatness’. Recognized as ”Rising Star in Architecture” by Monocle,Colin Seah has been invited by the Singapore Tourism Board to redefine Singapore as a destination for 2020
and beyond.