
趙丹青 Les Zhao


The founder of Shanghai Yi Ming studio

更新時間:2017-01-13 09:45:06   來源:   關注度:
Les Zhao, 36th generation of Song Tai Zu Zhao Kuangyin (the founding emperor of Song dynasty). Since childhood, young Zhao has been received mass from his grandfather- Zhao Baoquan, a master of geomancy. And he has been focused on studying the traditional Chinese culture for decades, from the various schools like Yi (Book of Changes ) and religions of Buddhism, Taoism, Zhao has been closest to the essence.  He is currently the director of International Youth Zhouyi Society, a member of Hongkong  Sino-US Zhouyi Society, the director of China Zhouyi Society and the vice president of Australian Zhouyi Research Council.

關于 趙丹青 Les Zhao 的內容:丹青

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