
楊邦勝 Yang Bangsheng

YANG酒店設計集團 董事長/設計總監



Founder of Yang Bangsheng International Hotel Design Consultant,Ltd.

Vice- President of Asia Pacific Hotel Design Association

One of Global Top Ten Outstanding Chinese Designers

更新時間:2017-01-13 09:45:26   來源:   關注度:
義大利米蘭理工大學碩士,美國美聯大學博士。他在酒店設計領域率先提出“酒店設計一體化”整體戰略理念,即將酒店戰略定位、設計策劃、建築規劃、設計、酒店經營、造價控制和行銷賣點進行統籌整合,最終確保酒店投資建設成功,實現客戶最好的投資回報。 他始終堅持設計文化個性酒店,他幾乎囊括了室內設計和酒店業的所有獎項——“金沙灘獎”之“最佳酒店設計獎”、“亞太室內設計精英邀請賽”酒店類金獎、國內唯一獲“亞太區室內設計大獎賽”酒店類金獎設計師,唯一兩屆蟬聯美國《Interior Design》的“中國室內設計十大年度封面人物”和“中國酒店傑出成就獎”。著有《楊邦勝10個酒店設計》,發表過數篇酒店設計論文,並曾多次擔任國家級設計大獎賽評委和眾多設計論壇演講嘉賓。
全球十大傑出華人設計師、亞太酒店設計協會副會長、中國陳設藝術專業委員會副主任。1997年創立YANG設計集團,開啟國際品牌酒店設計之路。率領300余人的國際設計團隊,為喜達屋、凱悅、洲際、凱賓斯基、萬豪、希爾頓、卡爾森、雅高、硬石、安娜塔拉等國際品牌,設計超過200家高品質的酒店。楊邦勝先生善於挖掘東方美學的獨特意境,融歷史、文化、藝術與空間之中,執著追求設計的完美境界。更以前瞻的理念和無畏的精神帶領YANG進入國際壹流設計集團之列,並攬獲國際國內180余項專業大獎,其中包括全球最高酒店大獎——美國IIDA“全球卓越設計大獎之最佳酒店設計獎”,以及素有酒店設計“奧斯卡”之稱的第34屆美國金鑰匙獎(Gold Key Award)“最佳度假酒店設計”大獎。

Mr. Yang, postgraduate of Design College of Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy. Doctor of Inter American University. Mr. Yang was the first in this field to put forward the integral strategic philosophy as “Hotel Design Integration”, which is to integrate Hotel Strategic Position , Design Planning, Architectural Planning, Designing, Hotel Operation. Cost Control and Marketing Selling Pointing together to ensure the success of Hotel Investment and realization of the best return of investment. He has published several theses on Hotel Design. such as Ten Hotel Designs of Bangsheng Yang. He was honored with the “Most Influential Asia- Pacific Designer”Award by the IAI 2010 Asia- Pacific Biennale Awards. He also received the ‘Leading Designer of Chinese Hotel Design2010-2011’'s award.
One of Global Top Ten Outstanding Chinese Designers, vice president of Asia Pacific Hotel Design Association, deputy director of The Art Display Decoration Comittee Under The CIDA.  In 1997, he founded Yangbangsheng&Associates' Group, open the way to international hotel brand design. Led by international design team with more than 300 people, designed over 200 high-quality hotels for Starwood, Hyatt, Marriott, intercontinental, Kempinski, Hilton, Carlson, Accor, Hard Rock, Anantara, and other international brands. Mr. Yang Bangsheng has a pursuit of perfection and specialized in discovering the unique artistic conception of oriental aesthetics, integrating history, culture, art and space into his design. With his  forward-looking ideas and fearless spirit leading the YANG to enter the ranks of international top-notch design group, and honored by over 180 professional awards among international and domestic hotel design industry, including the world's highest award - the United States IIDA Hotel "The Best Hotel Global Excellence design award Design Award", and the 34th Golden Key Award "best resort hotel design" award which is known as the hotel design "Oscar".

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