
關永權Tino Kwan



Founder and Principal of TinoKwan Lighting Consultants Ltd

President of Asia-Pacific Hotel Design Association

更新時間:2017-01-13 09:42:08   來源:   關注度:
 關永權被譽為全球最優秀的燈光設計師之壹,設計作品遍布全球,從位於伊朗的皇宮,至東京頂級奢華酒店,都可欣賞到他令人目眩神迷的燈光設計。除此之外,還經常與業內最頂尖的建築師及室內設計師合作。傑出作品自壹九八七年起,先後獲得業內外不同機構的嘉獎,多年來所獲獎項不計其數,包括於二零零七年獲選為香港十大傑出設計師稱號,並於二零零八至二零壹三年期間連續六屆奪得大中華傑出設計大獎。關的作品亦同時得到國際專業的認同,於二零零六至零九年期間,先後獲得由中國照明學會 (CIES),日本社團法人照明學會 (IEIJ) 及北美照明學會 (IESNA) 所頒發的獎項,成績驕人。
    關永權於香港出生並成長,畢業於香港理工大學工業及空間設計系,之後加入美國注港公司 Spatial Light and Environment Ltd。在當時世界知名的燈光設計師 John Marsteller 的領導下,關選定了燈光設計為其終身職業。展開了關一生的光輝歷程。
    關對工作充滿熱誠及勤奮的學習態度,很快得到了認同。關被委派到新設的希臘雅典分公司工作,當年他正值二十四歲。在那裡他參與了不同種類和地域的設計,包括 " 希臘船王 " 位於希臘北部的度假村,甚至一所位於沙烏地阿拉伯的宮殿,這些獨特的工作體驗及際遇,讓他學習到西方的燈光設計理念,令他大開眼界。關迅速在設計圈內揚名而起,獲得當年世界首屈一指的酒店設計師Dale Keller,力邀他前往倫敦,領導Dale Keller & Associates于倫敦分公司的燈光設計部門,並一舉成名。
    機緣巧合下,關在一次回港度假途中,遇上美國設計師 Joe Durso,他正到香港開展一項設計工程,邀請關成為他的合作夥伴,有見於亞洲發展的機會實在難得,他遂結束倫敦的公司業務,甚至賣掉他于溫布頓的房子,為返港作好準備。
Tino Kwan is regarded as one of the world's best lighting designer, his design works  have been all over the world, from the Royal Palace in Iran, to the top of Tokyo El Luxor Hotel, his dazzling light design can be appreciated almost everywhere. In addition, Kwan always works close-knitly with top architects and interior designers in hotel design industry. Over the years since 1987, his outstanding works had won great praises of different institutions and countless prizes including Hongkong Top Ten Outstanding Designers 2007, six consecutive years of the Greater China Outstanding Design Award (2008-2013). Kwan’s work also gained international professional recognition. From 2006 to 2009 years, he successively obtained  the award by China Illuminating Engineering Society (CIES), Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ) and Illuminating Engineering Society of North American(IESNA) for his excellent performance.
Internationally acclaimed lighting designer Tino Kwan is widely accepted as one of the world’s most celebrated masters of his trade. His dazzling work can be found across the globe from palaces in Iran to the most luxurious hotels in Tokyo. Professionals both within and outside the industry have heralded his design achievements. He was named one of Hong Kong’s Ten Most Outstanding Designers in 2007 and was awarded the Outstanding Greater China Design Award for two consecutive years in 2008 and 2009. He also received awards from The China Illuminating Engineering Society in 2006 and 2008. The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan in 2008 and The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America in 2009.
Born and raised in Hong Kong, after graduating from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University with major in interior and industrial design, he took a job with the US Spatial Light Environments Limited in Hong Kong. Under the guidance of the world-renowned lighting designer John Marsteller, Kwan soon found his lifetime career in lighting design.
Kwan’s obvious passion and hard work was quickly acknowledged, and he wa sent to work in the new Athens office at the young age of 24, where he discovered western lighting design concepts and worked on an array of commissions, including a Greek shipping magnate’s Northern Greece resort and a palace in Saudi Arabia. He soon became widely known in design circles when Dale Keller of Dale Keller & Associates (DKA) brought him to London to take on a job as director of lighting design.
Kwan started his own practice in 1979 in London, and on a vacation to Hong Kong in 1980, he met American designer Joe Durso, who invited him to collaborate on the lighting design at the private club, I-Club. Spotting the potential for opportunities in Asia, Kwan closed up his studio in London, sold his Wimbledon home and made the move to Hong Kong.
Kwan successfully created a market in lighting design in Hong Kong and eventually became the most well known lighting design consultant in the city, attracting clients from high-end fashion brands to international hotel chains and providing lighting consultancy services for renowned architect and interior design firms around the world. Kwan’s lighting design has brightened many Hong Kong and Asia’s interiors and landmark architectures, including Louis Vuitton and Armani stores in Hong Kong, International Finance Centre Ⅱ, Hong Kong Police Headquarter, as well as numerous hotel and hospitality establishments, such as Grand Hyatt Hotel Shanghai, Tokyo Peninsula and Four Seasons Macao.
"Using the least lighting fixture to create the ideal lighting effect..." Tino Kwan

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