
Kathleen Dauber



The director & design director of HBA

更新時間:2017-02-14 14:09:17   來源:   關注度:
作為HBA設計總監之一的Kathleen為她所參與的每一個項目帶來豐富的設計經驗,傑出的溝通技巧和無限的設計熱情。Kathleen於31年前從HBA開始她的室內設計生涯並在很短的時間內就提升至專案的領導位置。她在工作中監督和負責從建築的規劃至傢俱,飾品的選擇。為確保專案的成功,她親歷親為,親自參與到項目的每一個環節之中。她國際化的審美眼光為她所參與設計的專案帶來獨到的審美體驗。除此之外,她還積極協助培養新的設計資源,積極的活躍在各種設計社團之中。 她常常參加各種社區的社會活動並分享她的成功經驗。
Kathleen has a rich design experience with her participation, good communication skills and unlimited enthusiasm in every project as one of  HBA design directors.Kathleen began her career at HBA in interior design  since 31 years ago and enhance the leadership position in a very short time.Her work was mainly responsible and supervised building’s planning ,the furniture, and accessories selection. In order to ensure the project running successfully, she endeavor to involve in every aspect of the project. Her internationalization of the aesthetic make her design unique aesthetic. In addition, she also actively assists new resources   of the design training, and participates in a variety of design organizations and various community activities to share her experience.

關于 Kathleen Dauber 的內容:

上一篇:Miguel Baeza 下一篇:Greg Bates