自1985年加入WATG以來,Thomas 參與了公司很多著名的賭場項目,在這些項目中起到關鍵作用,項目包括擁有3036個房間的威尼斯度假酒店賭場,拉斯維加斯大運河購物中心,還包括大西洋城熱帶花園賭場酒店,其中有500間房,零售,餐廳和娛樂場所。Thomas 在全球都負責設計過許多重要的主題度假酒店,在一些迪士尼項目中擔任過資深項目設計師,其中有佛羅里達迪士尼樂園的迪士尼大佛羅里達海灘度假村,巴黎迪士尼酒店,香港迪士尼酒店,日本東京迪士尼酒店和喜達屋大連城堡豪華精選酒店。
Since joining WATG in 1985, Thomas participated and played a key role in many famous casino projects,including Venice Resort Hotel Casino with 3036 rooms, Las Vegas Grande Canale shopping centre, Tropicana Atlantic City, which has 500 rooms, retails, restaurants and entertainment venues. Thomas has designed many important theme resorts around the world, and served as senior project designer in the Disney project, including Florida Disney Park Beach Resort, Disney Hotel Paris , Disney Hotel Hongkong, Tokyo Disney Hotel and Starwood Dalian Castle Hotel.

Thomas Fo
The vice president of WATG
Famous architect
更新時間:2017-02-15 14:39:42 來源: 關注度:
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