梁氏於1987年創立建築及城市規劃顧問公司,並於1997年把公司重組,成立梁志天建築師有限公司 (SLA) 及梁志天設計師有限公司 (SLD) 。SLD總公司設於香港,在北京、上海、廣州及成都均設有分公司。公司在梁氏和超過400人的設計團隊共同努力下,設計項目遍佈全球100多個城市,並在美國室內設計雜誌《Interior Design》「2016全球百大室內設計師事務所排名研究報告」總排名榜位列第30位及「住宅項目」範疇第1位。梁氏以「設計 無界限」(DESIGN WITHOUT LIMITS) 為目標,於2014年及2015年期間成立三大新品牌公司——梁志天酒店設計有限公司 (SLH) 、梁志天國際有限公司 (SLX) 及梁志天生活藝術有限公司 (SLL),讓設計服務漸趨多樣化、專門化。
梁氏並於2007年成立「1957 & Co.」品牌,以完美生活為目標,進軍餐飲業,透過多元化的發展,全面實踐「享受生活 ‧ 享受設計」的生活理念,與大眾分享生活的藝術。
Steve Leung,born in 1957, Hongkong, the world famous architecture, interior and product designer. Steve Leung is expert in modern style, he embrace rich Asian culture and art elements and puts them into design.
He founded an architecture and urban planning consulting firm in 1987, which was reshaped in 1997 as Steve Leung Architects (SLA) and Steve Leung Designers (SLD). SLD head office is located in Hongkong, with branch offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu. The footprints, Leung with his over 400 designers group together has designed projects across more than 100 cities all over the world.And SLD ranked NO. 30 in ‘2016 the World's Largest Interior Designer Firm Ranking Report’ and NO. 1 in Residential projects in the American magazine Interior Design. With ‘Design Without Limits’ as the goal to be more diversified and specialized in design services, Leung established three new brands in 2014 and 2015 which are Steve Leung Hotel Design (SLH), Steve Leung International (SLX) and Steve Leung Life&Art (SLL).
Leung established 1957 & Co. in 2007 to start catering design industry with pursuiting a perfect life as the goal, sharing art of life through comprehensive practicing and developing the diversified design by the concept of ‘Enjoy Life, Enjoy Design’.
梁志天 Steve Leung
President of Steve Leung Architects (SLA)
President of Steve Leung Designers (SLD)
更新時間:2017-01-13 09:43:40 來源: 關注度:
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