Jean-Michel Gathy 1955年出生於比利時,自1993年Denniston公司成立以來,他一直擔任主任設計師並親自參與所有設計工作。2006年四月,鑒於他為世界酒店設計行業作出的傑出貢獻,他收到多方讚譽,成為了行業指標性人物。在贏得了眾多獎項的肯定後,Gathy先生受邀成為了許多行業獎項專家評委會成員並陸續受邀作為演講嘉賓參與眾多國際性論壇。業內媒體爭相報導並讚揚他領導團隊完成的設計作品,他的作品時常作為典型案例見諸各大報章雜誌。
JeanMichel Gathy, a Belgian national born in 1955, is the principal designer and personally conceptualizes all design work since the Company’s inception in 1993. In April 2006, he was honored as an industry figure whose career and achievements have contributed to the world of hotel design. Having received several personal awards, Mr. Gathy has on several occasions participated as a jury member drawn from a panel of experts for various project awards and has been invited as an official guest speaker at international forums. The Company’s projects are also reviewed and applauded constantly in the professional press and often taken as reference.
Jean-Michel Gathy
Chief designer of Denniston
Chief designer of AMAN GROUP
更新時間:2017-02-15 14:47:10 來源: 關注度:
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